Monday, July 13, 2009

Science Class In UM

Tuesday 7/7/2009

We are ask to create another blog again... But we also can use the existing one that we had. I do not know whether we can We were asked to blog about something that is educational. So what should I blog about? Today i met some ppl who were asking about what course I was studying. I am studying to be a teacher and da di da di da.... The usual conversation and came the most hot and popular question and the much expected answer.
PPL: 'How long is ur course?'
Me: 6 years.
PPL: 6 YEARS???!!!!
Ya ya.. and then on goes the mundane explanation of the whole course. But I feel it was a great 4 years that had passed. And I learned a lot and I feel I am getting more and more ready to be a teacher.

Today, our science lecturer let us read a lot of stories that have great moral values. At first i wasnt interested but after reading the story I was captivated by the moral value and the joke of the story. It taught me that I need to be a good learner and observer. In life, everyone is a learner and nobody is the smartest or the greatest. That is why I feel that we as human need to continue to learn each and everyday of our lives.

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